MR lumenvisibility test
Specifically to medical device manufacturers of implants with a lumen (e.g. stents, coils, filters, grafts, etc.), MR:comp offers an analysis of the so-called lumenvisibility in magnetic resonance imaging, using a standardized testing procedure with a unique MR tissue phantom material simulating the appropriate T1 and T2 contrast parameters.
Learn from the analysis of your device and optimize lumen implant structures for the optimal application in the electro-magnetic environment of the MR scanner. You can also improve the MR susceptibility artifact behavior and manage the radio frequency shielding/amplification challenges for your individual device design.
This service can also be transferred to non-lumen devices in order to better understand the surrounding tissue-implant adaption from an MRI point of view.
Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!
For further reading about MRI lumenvisibility, we refer to the following poster presented at ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010: Which factors influence MRI in-stent lumenvisibility of coronary in-stent stenosis? An in-vitro model investigation by Schönwald, Schaefers, Haltern & Kipfmüller (2010).