MRI Safety MRI Safety and Compatibility

Department of consulting

MR:comp offers comprehensive consulting services to manufacturers of items and devices that are used in the magnetic resonance environment. With our sister Reseach Institute MRI-STaR unsing their early-stage R&D design support, you can save resources for R&D as well as for MR testing and prevent failures during product approval. This MRI-STaR service optimizes the MRI safety performance of devices also from marketing point of view.

Further, MR:comp offers the following services:


Please note: Although "MR Safety" is the correct technical term, the term "MRI safety" is also used in this text to reflect the colloquial use.

We offer MR safety and compatibility assessment and testing support for all non-active (passive) and active medical devices such as implants, instruments and accessories for use outside and inside the MR envrionment (terms see ASTM F2503, IEC 62570, IEC 60601-2-33) amongst:


  • Catheters, Guidewires, Biopsy needles, Ablation catheters, Drainages


Orthopedic implants:

  • Hip joints, Shoulder prosthesis, Knee joints, Bone fixators, External Fixators, Plates, Screws, Bone Nails, Bone extendenders, Skull plates, Dental implants and abutments, Individual orthopeadic implants, Spine implant systems


Medication Ports, Halo vests, EEG and ECG systems, Navigation systems, Oximeters


Cardio- and Endovascular implants:

  • Coronary and Peripheral stents, Grafts, Artificial heart valves, Aneurysm coils & clips, Vena cava filters, Occluders


Active medical Implants (AIMD):

  • Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, Cardiac pacemakers, Cardiac monitors, Implantable medication pumps, Neurostimulators, Sleep apnoe, Drop Foot Loss, Cochlear Implants, Bladder, Disfunction stimulators, Deep brain stimulators, Spinal cord stimulators, Heart assist systems


MR accessories:

  • Wheelchairs, Tables, Beds, Stretchers, Patient trolleys, Monitors, Contrast media injectors, Medication pumps, Oxygen tanks, Infusion pumps, IV pumps, Video goggles, Audio systems, Pulse oxymeters


and many other individual devices and items